Leilões de artes de Rob Liefeld continuam

Leilões de artes de Rob Liefeld continuam: O famoso roteirista e desenhista Rob Liefeld, permanece ajudando as lojas que estão sofrendo por causa da pandemia de Coronavírus nos Estados Unidos.

Seguindo os passos de seu antigo sócio da Image, Jim Lee, Liefeld mantém sua própria agenda de esboços em prol da causa beneficente. Ou seja, não é um sketch por dia. Segue uma sequência do que ele já postou em leilões em seu perfil de instagram.

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Good Morning! Sketch 21 is another new edition for the great cause that y’all have helped provide to comic book stores! This shot recalls the cover and content of X-Force #2 as we were introduced to Garrison Kane and his pursuit of Deadpool & the revelation of the history that they share! Bidding will end TONIGHT at 8pm pacific! You have no idea how far your contributions are going. I bundle several auction totals together, directing your proceeds to various stores across many cities and states. The vast majority of these stores I will never visit but I know they sell comic books and provide so much enjoyment for all of us that love the hobby! Thanks for providing relief in these very difficultly times! #deadpool #kane #xforce #marvel #deadpool #robliefeld

Uma publicação compartilhada por Rob Liefeld (@robliefeld) em

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SNAKE EYES #1 COVER! Yes, we have graduated to covers with Sketch #13! This Snake Eyes came out so well that I’m making it a variant to the first issue of my upcoming Snake Eyes series! Your name will be featured in the credits of the comic as a “Special Thanks” billing. I’ll be as honest as I can, about 2 weeks back, when I set out to raise money for comic book shops, I didn’t think the first sketch would sell for more than a few hundred dollars. You just never know, especially in the current climate we are experiencing. But, as I type this we have raised over 30k and I can see us hitting 100k for comic book stores. You guys have been nothing short of amazing and if you read the letters or talked to these stores you would know how appreciative they are of your efforts. I know I am. Some of you have contacted me for private commissions and of course I am open to that, anything there helps out a store! This week will be mostly covers, G.I. Joe themed and otherwise. Thank you and look out for some surprises. The link to this auction will be in my bio today. #gijoe #snakeeyes #robliefeld #hasbro #idw

Uma publicação compartilhada por Rob Liefeld (@robliefeld) em

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Puyol Miranda

Uma simples testemunha da humanidade, que presencia todos os dias as grandes maravilhas de Deus. Além de presenciar o mais lindo momento de uma etapa de crescimento, me tornar pai. Sou analista de ti, leitor de quadrinhos, decenauta convicto e amante da tecnologia.

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